Player Profile

A Player Profile contains data on a given player, allowing multiple players to use the application and to keep updates on their progression.


A Player Profile contains the following data:

Note that additional progression data is also contained in the runtime database (see Database).

Note that each profile is assigned an unique Id. This Id is used for:


All data related to the Player Profile is serialized and saved inside the dynamic database. Refer to the Database.

Creation & Deletion

The Player Profile Manager handles creation, selection, and deletion of player profiles. The system is designed to support a maximum number of players, defined as PlayerProfileManager.MaxNumberOfPlayerProfiles.

A list of existing player profiles can be retrieved from the AppManager.GameSettings.AvailablePlayers.

Whenever a Player Profile is created, an exclusive Avatar Id is also selected, which represents the avatar image assigned to that profile.

PlayerProfileManager.CurrentPlayer holds the current player profile. AppManager.I.GameSettings.LastActivePlayerId contains the Id of the profile last accessed through the application.

At runtime, creation, deletion, and selection of player profiles is performed in the Home (_Start) scene through the Profile Selector.

Refactoring Notes